Soltek Sl Pt880e Rl Drivers For Mac
A product list of Soltek Mainboard for driver update, firmware upgrade and utility download. BIOS, Award (09/08/05). Port, Communications. Esmane MAC aadress, 00-04-61-93-10-49. DMI BIOS i valmistaja, Phoenix Technologies, LTD. P4 520, 2800 MHz, Soltek SL-PT880E-RL, PT880, Dual PC3200 DDR, 5370 MB/s.
Wannabe1, Thank you for your quick response. I have instaled Speed Fan, but it seems that the speed fan can only monitor temperature on my laptop.
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I can't set it to monitor voltages. I have monitor temperature since last month using the 'I8funGUI' and the temperature of HD is between 35-45 C, CPU 30C at startup to 55C when many software are runnig.
I think that it isn't problem with over heating, because the laptop gets blue screen even when temperature is low. As far I remember I have never get a bsod when CPU works hard, for example buning cd or dvd.
Usually a bsod occures when computer doesn't work hard, for example runnig word processor, internet explorer, playing music, or even it is only turn on without doing any thing. So i think, I have to try to monitor of voltages. When I open 'Configure' and next 'Voltages' there is any option to choose. How can I do this if the Speed Fan doesn't support this option on my computer?
Wannabe1, When I was restarted system I pressed F2 and opened BIOS, but I can't find there any information about voltages. I have this problem with Bsod since I bought this laptop two months ago.
As I mention Dell warranty service replace cooling system, motherboard, cd/dvd drive, and memory trying to repair this laptop. Since they don't care about anything more than hardware I have to find some solution by my own for this defected product. To be honest with you when I reinstal Windows xp, I don't instal any other software beside updating windows, dell drivers and ZoneAlarm, when laptop got again bsod, after that I instaled all my software back to be able to work on it. Also i changed Norton 2004 for ZoneAlarm hoping that it could solve the problem. Xcom 2 launches with day-one mods for mac. During past two months i was trying many different things to figur out what is wrong.
Soltek Sl Pt880e Rl Drivers For Mac Free
I disabled what i could disabled in Device Manager, I updated all what I could update, I instaled System Mechanic 6 to repair and clean what it could to do. But the bsod with the error code 0x0000009c (0x00000003, 0x80545ff0, 0xf2000000, 0x00080a01) still occures on my comp. I think that the problem is more likely caused by a driver or like you mentioned above it could be problem with voltages.
How can I check it? Wannabe1, I have instaled the Mother Board Monitor and it seem that it doesn't support this motherboard.
I set alarm to monitor voltage and after while all sensor show that voltage is lower than it was set. Also i instal the Mother Board Monitor in my other fujitsu laptop, which doesn't have problem with bsod, to compare how it works on both computers and I see that the massages are the same. Probably this motherboard doesn't have sensors for voltages, or software don't support these motherboard or the problem is not with voltages.
You asked me which drivers I updated. I updated all drivers related to my laptop that dell support offer on its webside. I recived with my laptop CD with OS WinXP, and CD with drivers for all hardware that are in this laptop so I instaled all of them and after I found newer on the Dell webside and I updated them. You know, after I reinstal windows, about few weeks ago, I see that laptop gets blue screen of death shortly after i starts dvd on it.
When I want to check if my something helps to solve the problem i starts dvd and after a few minutes it gets bsod. I reinstaled Windows Media Player to check if it helps, and now I instaled Nero 7 trial version with all its codex, but didn't change anything. My video adapter ATI Mobilty Radeon x300 could cause this kind of problem, but I tryied to run computer when it was disabled, I reinstal it, and also I have updated it, but it didn't help at all. Also, I did same with audio adapter. I am tring to figure out why there is the same error of bsod, once caused by dvd movies and other time only by microsoft word. Do you have any idea? Thank you for your help.
Adaml773 Edited by adaml773, 19 November 2005 - 06:15 PM. Wannabe1, I atached the log of Everest's report. Thank you for your help. EVEREST Home Edition © 2003-2005 Lavalys, Inc. Version EVEREST v2.20.405 Homepage Report Type Quick Report Computer HAWK75-1061F16D Generator Adam Operating System Microsoft Windows XP Home Edition 5.1.2600 (WinXP Retail) Date 2005-11-19 Time 21:54 Summary - Computer: Operating System Microsoft Windows XP Home Edition OS Service Pack Service Pack 2 DirectX 4.